Celebrate Campus Sustainability Day With Art, Essays, Info

by Alana J. Mauger

Campus Sustain Day 14

2014 Campus Sustainability Day logo by contest winner Karim Abdelgawad

Montgomery County Community College will join hundreds of colleges and universities across the country to celebrate Campus Sustainability Day 2014 with activities on Oct. 21 and 22, as well as through a collaborate art project and short essay contest.

In its 12th year, Campus Sustainability Day is designed to create awareness and facilitate discussion between students, faculty, staff and the community at large. The 2014 CSD theme is “Empowering Change on Campus and in the Community.”

This year, MCCC will hold two days of CSD activities:  Tuesday, Oct. 21 from 12:15-1:30 p.m. in the South Hall Lobby at the College’s West Campus, 101 College Drive, Pottstown, and Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the Advanced Technology Center of the Central Campus, 340 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell. The Oct. 22 event coincides with a Sustainability Career Day for high school students, presented by Communities in Motion, a foundation of the Greater Valley Forge Transportation Management Association (GVF).

Both events will feature informational and interactive exhibits on a variety of “green” topics, including the Green Office Initiative, RecycleMania, Solar and Wind energy, Shuttle transportation program, Zimride, refillable dry erase markers and much more. The Central Campus event will also feature information on water bottle fill stations and a special exhibit of hybrid and electric vehicles in partnership with Conicelli Auto Group.

To commemorate the College’s 50th Anniversary and to create awareness about reusing and recycling common objects, participants are asked to donate unwanted items for a “found object” art project. These items will be mounted onto a four-foot board in the shape of MCCC’s 50th Anniversary logo. Found object items can include would-be-discarded plastic, metal, wood, cardboard, rubber, fabric and glass; writing instruments; CDs; bottle caps; shoe laces; computer parts; utensils; brushes; photos; jewelry and much more! While the possibilities are almost infinite, items that are perishable, soiled, or otherwise inappropriate will not be included. All individuals donating pieces to the project will be entered into a drawing for a free Think Green sweatshirt. Materials will be collected at both campuses.

Members of the College community are also invited to submit short essays describing a sustainable practice in which they engage and why it’s important to them. The deadline for submission is Oct. 31. All entries will be published on the College’s Think Green blog for a two week voting period. The author of the essay with the most votes will also receive a free Think Green sweatshirt, and the essay will be featured as part of the College’s 2015 Earth Day celebration. Essays should be emailed to communications@mc3.edu.

In addition to green specific activities, individuals are encouraged to donate gently used winter coats to benefit the Cluster Outreach Center in Pottstown and non-perishable breakfast items to benefit the College’s Stock Up for Success food pantry for students in need.

The College is also asking community members to get involved by tweeting ways they are going green with the hash tag #ThinkBigGreen.  Responses tweeted by Oct. 31 with the hashtag will be compiled and posted to the College’s Think Green blog!

Campus Sustainability Days to Showcase ‘Green’ Efforts

csd2013logo_thumbnailby Alana J. Mauger
Editor’s note: This article is reblogged from Think Green

Montgomery County Community College will join hundreds of colleges and universities across the country to celebrate Campus Sustainability Day 2013, the theme of which is “Climate Adaptation: Resilient Campuses & Communities.”

In its 11th year, Campus Sustainability Day is designed to create awareness and facilitate discussion between students, faculty, staff and the community at large. While the day is officially observed on the fourth Wednesday in October, many institutions host activities through the week and month.

See the list of supporting organizations

MCCC has two days of Campus Sustainability activities:  Wednesday, Oct. 23  in the South Hall Cafeteria at the West Campus in Pottstown, and Wednesday, Oct. 30th in the Parkhouse Hall Atrium at the Central Campus in Blue Bell, both from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Each day will  feature informational exhibits about a variety of “green” campus topics, including:

In addition to these, campus sustainability info will appear on campus television displays, and the Central Campus event will feature info from the College’s Environmental Club, as well as Campus Sustainability Tours, hosted by Assistant Professor of Biology Jerry Coleman.

The College is also asking community members to get involved by tweeting ways they are going green with the hash tag #mc3green.  Responses tweeted by Nov. 1 with #mc3green will be compiled and posted to the College’s Think Green blog!


College to Celebrate Campus Sustainability Day Oct. 17 & 24

by Robert Gardner

Montgomery County Community College will take part in National Campus Sustainability Day, a time for colleges and universities nationwide to consider past successes with an eye on the future of sustainable initiatives.  This year’s theme is “Higher Education: Moving Sustainability Forward.”

On Wednesday, Oct. 17, Central Campus will play host to Sustainability Day festivities, followed by events at West Campus on Wednesday, Oct. 24, when the rest of the nation’s participants will celebrate.  At each event, the College will feature activities and information in many different aspects of the sustainability, including academics, advocacy, green campus operations and transportation.  Food drives to benefit Norristown and Pottstown community food pantries will take place, as well as Farmers Markets, where shoppers can support local growers.

The College’s students will be represented by the ACE Community Service Club and Environmental Club.  And, in conjunction with Earth Day 2013, the College will launch a student video contest (details will be announced shortly).

Finally, in observance of Campus Sustainability Day, the College invites members of the community to Tweet ways they are going green with the hash tag #mc3green.  Responses tweeted between Monday, Oct. 15-Friday, Oct. 26 with #mc3green will be compiled and posted to the College’s Think Green blog!

Campus Sustainability Day to Feature Eco-Friendly Info

by Diane VanDyke

The College will join colleges and universities across the U.S. in observing National Campus Sustainability Day on Wednesday, Oct. 20.

Information tables and programs will be available at Central Campus, 340 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, and West Campus, 101 College Drive, Pottstown, featuring some of the College’s sustainable practices.

Members of the Student Government Association will host information tables displaying the benefits of the recently launched pilot transportation shuttle program that enables students to travel back and forth between campuses for classes and activities.

Departing from each campus five times per day, the 14-passenger van has the potential to reduce commuter vehicle mileage by up to 3,900 daily when operating at full capacity. The shuttle pilot will be extended, free of charge to students, for the duration of the spring 2011 semester.

SGA members will also host an information table about the Alternative Spring Break trip with a preferred application sign-up sheet. During spring break, March 14-18, students have the opportunity to travel to Michigan to work on a Habitat for Humanity home that utilizes LEED-certified building practices. Students who sign up now will receive the ASB application one week before it is distributed to the rest of the campuses.

The College will present a sustainability webcast, “Empowering a Low Carbon Movement at Your Campus: Strategies and Tools for Behavior Change, Community Engagement and Large-Scale Transformation” from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in Parkhouse Hall, room 110 at Central Campus and in South Hall, room 251 at West Campus.

During the webinar, Dave Gershon, an expert on environmental behavior change and community engagement will share proven strategies and tools. The program also features moderator Andrew Revkin, a Senior Fellow of Environmental Understanding at Pace University and former New York Times environmental reporter.

The webcast will discuss such topics as how to engage the community in local climate change initiatives, apply social design principles, empower individuals to reduce their carbon footprints and use these tools and strategies on campus and in the community.

Click Here to Read the Full Press Release